Kontoristgatan 4
247 70 Genarp, Sweden
GLF Genarp
GLF Träab
GLF Słupsk
GLF Mielec
GLF Mielec/Czermin
GLF Koszalin
GLF manufactures a wide range of products – our services transforms them into efficient packaging solutions.
GLF provide companies with:
The mix of working closely with our customers to develop the best and most economical efficient packaging solution – and then be able to produce and deliver it in a short time – has made GLF successful.
Make money on your empty pallets instead of just throwing them away.
You may not know that it is possible to make money on your empty pallets or do not think it seems worth it. But it is actually very easy to make money on your empty pallets.
Gather them in stacks, about 20 in height, so they take up as little space as possible. When it starts to feel crowded, call us and we will come and pick them up. Minimal work for you and a nice merit for a short call to us.
Clever solution for vegetable growers in Skåne – Mariannes Farm – a grower of carrots in large quantities called us one day. Of course, they wanted carrot boxes at the best price, but they also had a problem. When the carrot boxes were stacked on top of each other, the top carrots were crushed. Like Professor Baltazar, Kent went around, around to find a solution. And it came – instead of, as on all boxes, having the struts on the outside – we placed them on the inside.
Since then, we have manufactured around 3,500 boxes that protected the carrots from shocks.
Not all goods have right angles and flat surfaces. How do you transport something that is round and conical? The packing step must be quick and easy and the load must be stable and still during transport. The customised pallets have become many over the years. Sometimes a combination of wood and other materials such as aluminum is required. Sometimes heavier goods may require point reinforcements.
Maybe a EUR pallet, two pallet collars with section dividers and a pallet lid of chipboard. This may be what your solution looks like today, but there may be money to be saved here. The EUR pallet may only need to be a B pallet and the pallet collar lid may only need to be made of Masonite.
We can help you review your packaging and create a total system solution. The system solution takes into account everything from stability, weather conditions during transport and weight to costs and delivery options. We do not want to call ourselves packaging consultants, but that is probably what we are most and best at.
Get in touch and we will tell you more.
We have a capacity of drying 1600 pallets / day. Contact us for more information.